Many women who want to leave prostitution, pornography or human trafficking have no way of getting out themselves. Unfortunately, it is far from all who receive help from society.
Talita exists for these women, but in order for us to be able to offer them to stay with us, and get the help they need, we depend on your gift.
Talita's operations in Sweden and abroad are entirely dependent on the donations we receive from private individuals and various companies and foundations. We receive various operational support from, among others, the City of Stockholm, but the money we receive from the state and municipality is only a small part of our total needs. Your gifts make the big difference!
To use swish, you need to have the Swish app on your phone or tablet. You can find more information about Swish on their website.
Talita has a 90 account to ensure that the money donated to our operations goes to those in need. We want to be fully transparent so that donors can trust us. Please take a look at our reports, figures and activity reports.
För alla som vill kika närmare på våra årsredovisningar och läsa vår verksamhetsberättelse är den här sektionen för er.
Här finns även:Talitas stadgar
"I have seen the difference between women who have not received and those who have received rehabilitation and support from Talita. I have seen how this support has been life-changing on many levels. The staff at Talita really struggle to get these women back on their feet and they succeed."
"Talita is amazing! They are more flexible than an elite gymnast and yoga instructor combined!"
"For me and most of my clients, Talita is a happy place where they can find themselves, get the trauma treatment they need and be treated humanely and professionally. For them, it has simply been life-changing that they came to Talita. I am extremely grateful that you exist"